The Dungeon is a messy place...

It's your first day of work at your new job: Cleaner of the Comrade Dungeon!

By day, your monstrous colleagues protect treasure and beat up adventurers, but by night, every tile of it must be scrubbed by your expert hands. Or as much of it as you have patience for; it's actually a pretty chill job.

Socialize with the biggest, softest monsters

Your monstrous friends hang out in the staff lounge while you work. Take lots of breaks to chat with them about their lives, or how their work day went. Sometimes they'll bring you a little something for lunch; it's a very supportive work environment!

When the day is done, go out for dinner with your colleagues, or have a relaxing night in. The choice is yours!


  • A dynamic, procedurally generated dungeon.
  • A fully simulated dungeon adventure that you miss entirely but get to see the messy aftermath of.
  • A detailed mess system; walk through puddles and track prints everywhere! Gross!
  • Seriously the monsters leave empty coffee mugs and bottles EVERYWHERE.
  • Fake blood; real violence is a strict violation of workplace safety regulations.
  • A secret room with cute fuzzy animals in it. Find them and pet them!
  • A supportive work environment.


Made by Lauren H in about a week and a half, using rot.js.

Rogue Janitor's source code is available on GitHub.

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(12 total ratings)
AuthorLauren H
GenreRole Playing
Tagsascii, Minimalist, Narrative, Non violent, Relaxing, Roguelike, Roguelite, Short, Slice Of Life, wholesome
Code licenseMIT License
Average sessionAbout a half-hour
LinksSource code


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found this while looking for something to distract me from the absolute emotional nightmare i'm going through due to a several week lapse in my T (hrt) prescription (HOPEFULLY getting dealt with later today, but i guess we'll see). i can't quite express how nice of an experience this was and apparently i really needed it. thank you

Quite a fun little game! I get to do a productive job, help clean mess everyday, AND get a nice work environment!! Thanks for the all the dinners bros, cheers!

(1 edit)

Probably a really dumb question, but what's the control scheme? do the stairs matter and can i go up/down them? Also, when NPCs ask you what your favorite animal, can you add birds as an option?


Hey! Pardon the slow response, busy December!

If you press "?" while playing, it shows the full set of controls! Also, stairs don't actually matter. The adventurer who goes through the dungeon and makes a big mess of it spawns at the up stair, and finishes at the down stair, but that's used during level generation and doesn't come up during play; you just get to clean up the aftermath :)

Birds are absolutely fantastic! I made this quite a few years ago, and I was still learning, so I don't have any plans to update this. But, I will 100% ensure that my next game includes birds.


I love everything about this, so simple and yet so entertaining and satisfying. Nice job! :D

thanks =^.^=

Really cute and fun game :)


you know that there is somethig wrong with reality when a videogame has better work relations than some companies out ther *cof *cof* amazon *cof* *cof*


Unexpectedly satisfying to clean and socialize xD  I managed to find the party room, but never the animals room - does it have a (low) random chance of appearing? And does it have a hint like the muffled music for the party room?

I'm glad you found it satisfying =^.^=!!

I made this a long time ago so my memory might be fuzzy, but it should be guaranteed, and does have a hint! But, it doesn't show up on the first day. One of the possible conversation options is that someone will ask you what kind of animal you like (cats? dogs? etc). On days after that, the room will start appearing, with your choice of animal inside.

This game is the most cute ^^  It is very good.

P and G don't work for picking things up. Tried several browsers.


Hmm... are you standing on top of things or adjacent to them? All cleaning methods affect neighbouring tiles but not your own! Let me know if it's still not working and something else is going on.

Now that you mention it though, I think I forgot to say that in the help screen, and even then it doesn't really make sense for picking things up. I added the ignore-own-tile exception for repairing things so you're never trying to fix a piece of furniture you're on top of, but it doesn't really make sense for the other cases. I'll do an update on that when I have time over the next few days!

I did a quick update! Picking things up now works when you're on top of them, and there's a clarifying message sent if you try to fix or mop a mess you are standing on top of.